Tuesday, January 10, 2012

growing baby

So a lot has happened since I last blogged. The biggest news is that we found out that we are pregnant. We feel so blessed to get to be experiencing this. Philip and I had been wanting to get pregnant for about 7-8 months with no luck. I went to my doctor and he said that because of previous medical conditions we would probably need to go to an infertility specialist and explore other options. It wasn't but one week later that we found out that we were pregnant. Praise the Lord. It is starting to sink in more and more. I can definitely say that the second trimester has been way better than the first, but I have loved every second of being pregnant. Latest excitement: getting to feel the baby move and seeing our little boy on the sonogram. He no longer looks like a  little blob but a baby! Hooray. We are 19 weeks in and getting more and more excited by the day. Here are a few bump pictures that we have started to take (inspired by blog: littlebabygarvin.blogspot.com)

Part of my new year's resolution is to keep this blog up to date. So check back for updates soon (both design and baby related)

1 comment:

  1. Love this-all of it!!! Keep the posts coming!! So excited for you!!!!
